Transient Communities: A Search for Identity through Ethnicity (Page 2)

Thus, in analysing the impact and consequence of migration on the tradition and culture of the migrant community, a contradiction prevails between the two notions: One states that there is a break in Cultural and traditional ties from that of the homeland, and the other, states the existence of continuity of tradition and Culture of migrant community.

Historical Background:
The British founded Madras in the 17th century as a trading Centre. By 1674, three distinct areas of the town of Madras was recognisable: the Inner Fort,
containing the factory house; the outer Fort or white Town, the European quarter with 118 houses; and the Black Town to the north of the Fort, an Indian residential area of 750 houses already dotted with bazaars and markets. In the Course of 17th century, the East India company encouraged the Armenians and Jews, who were experienced merchants to move to Black Town from other parts of the country to assist the British in establishing trade networks." One such Street in North Madras is the coral Merchant street called the Pavalakkaara Theru, in Tamil, located in north Madras, where Jew merchants sold coral and traded in the 17th Century. Curiously, they were succeeded in later years by the Nagarathars, the money-lending Nattukkottai Chettiars who to this day maintain a business presence and Choultry in this affluent, but Crowded street.

Today, coral merchant street has mixed use with commercial activities on the ground floor and residential on the upper floors with business communities like Chettiars, Nadars, Muslims and Marwadis residing here. Much of the Vernacular architecture and traditional buildings have been pulled down to make way for the new and many are in dilapidated Conditions due to disputes. Amidst this rapidly Changing pace of architecture, there are still evidences of traces of ethnicity of the Nagarathars through Nagarathar Viduthis and temple related festivals and rituals, which have been established over a period of 250 years and have managed to sustain in Continuity of their intangible traditions.



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