INDIAN HERITHGE (A Premise for Arguments) (Page 6)

Another vital area to address in physical conservation is the understanding of structural engineering and traditional building construction. Medieval builders explored the 3-D equilibrium creating complex forms which do not follow the equations of determinacy. The knowledge involved in the construction techniques and the structural properties of these sophisticated forms are still scantily understood.

Conservation and Heritage Education
The aim of education is intellectual capacity building at all of the communities. Ideally, heritage awareness and education should be totally mainstreamed and be functional at educational levels from schools to the technical colleges. the architectural colleges/departments study of tradition building construction and techniques, craftsmanship, historic structural engineering are often unallied. At the graduate le. it is usually hard for the students to conceive anything beyond concrete, brick and glass. The postgraduate courses conservation by Various names on the other hand has mushroomed. They ensure more number of conservation professionals. However, do they ensure standards, ethic competence, duality or even employment opportunities? To quote Prof Nalini Thakur, who has been involved in heritage education for the last three decades, "There is a quantum jump in the quantity of education and academic institutions much has happened since independence but somehow a that is not absorbed into the mainstream. "Discoursing is futile if it is not readily available at the practical level. To overcome this, it is necessary to understand the conceptual basis of the discourse and the management/operational modes'. Neither isolated discourses nor sporadic direct actions can bring about quality. However, the constant engagement between the two poles will."


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