GENESIS (Page 3)

In Corbusier's master plan, the "Care of Body and Spirit' - one of the four Cardinal principles of the City - had been given Critical Consideration, resulting in Chandigarh being laid out as a City. With planned and intensive landscaping.The Leisure Valley - Chandigarh's linear city park - that meanders through the entire length of the City and the various aesthetic landscaping features are all in keeping with the spirit of making it a green and leafy City. In the Creation of the Sukhna Lake,Corbusier found an ideal opportunity to see his vision of urban planning being realised, and evolved more intensely.

Since its very inception, Corbusier had wanted the lake to be a 'Zone of peace' and to attract people from all walks of life for the "Care of Body and Spirit'. Therefore, in the original concept, it was decided that Vehicles would not be allowed on the dam promenade and it would exclusively be a pedestrians' Zone. Corbusier even suggested framing effective legislation for this purpose if necessary. The absence of any Vehicular traffic makes the lake even more attractive to the elderly and also young children, who can be seen running around with gay abandon. Originally it was also decided not to allow motorboats and Water skiing in the lake, as it would disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the lake for the enjoyment of the public. Foreseeing the pressure on land in the Coming years, he wisely suggested that no building should be Constructed between the lake and the hills at any time in the future so that the Wide panorama of the hills was preserved in its present pristine state and not spoilt. It was decided that a new rule under the Capitol Project Development Control Act should be framed to ensure this.


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